How Do Horror Movies Affect Your Brain?
By Laura Ciucia and Kiara Gonzalez Did you ever hear the phrase : your actions have consequences ? Whether you think about it or not this phrase is related to watching horror movies because they can have very big consequences on the brain. Your brain reacts to every little thing even if you don’t feel it. These reactions can be positive or negative. If you want to find out how and why your brain reacts this way to horror movies then keep reading to find out more! What Your Brain Thinks While Watching a Horror Movie While watching a horror movie, you know that what you see isn’t real. Unfortunately, that’s not what your brain thinks. Your brain thinks that everything your eyes see is real. For example, Edward Araujo is a sixth grader who enjoys horror movies. He says that “Halloween” is the scariest movie that he has ever seen, especially when Michael dies. What he doesn’t realize is that his brain believes that what he is watching is real and wants to warn him against dang...