Technology and Social Media Websites: Are They Stealing Your Information?

By Cara Giardina Everyone has information. Whether it’s your criminal record, birth certificate, or even the password to your email. However, it is up to you to decide whether or not you would like someone else to know said information. Well, some media and large technology companies want to know all of everyone’s information, one way or another. Let’s start off with Facebook. Facebook is an extremely large social media website, with about 2.32 billion monthly users worldwide. That’s pretty big, right? Well, compare it to this. There are about 8 billion people on earth. That means that about ¼ of the total world population uses Facebook. However, Facebook has had many scandals lately. But do we know exactly why? It’s because they have been keeping track of account information, such as passwords, ID, posts, pictures, and they even track what you do on Facebook. Seemingly normal for a social media website, right? Well get this; they’ve been sharing it with other social media and...