How is Remote Learning Affecting Students?

 By Mariana Yanez

        Remote learning is now occurring everywhere in the United States because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of people around the world have gotten sick. However, some students are getting affected negatively due to the fact that they sit in front of a computer 6 hours a day or more if they do homework.

       I believe it matters to know what students feel, so I made a survey students had to complete and rate their online learning experiences. I asked questions like what they disliked about school and what they liked about school, and if they could change anything about school what would it be.

        What most students like about remote learning was that they got to stay home and be comfortable. Others say they like the fact that they get to eat whenever they want, and that we get to have breaks sometimes between classes. Some students believe that less homework is better for them.

        Several people think we should get less homework because it gets them stressed or they feel overwhelmed. Multiple students also stated “I would like to change the fact that we have to turn our cameras on." I know that it makes the teachers feel like they are talking to themselves or they think that the student isn't there, but some of us don't feel comfortable sharing where we live. It invades some of our privacy.

        One student said, "One thing I would change about remote learning would be to honestly play more educational games cause if we are gonna use our energy just look at the screen, let’s just use the energy in good ways,” which personally as a student myself, I strongly agree. Turning something into a game might be the way to go especially if kids like games more or find it more fun. It can motivate kids to start showing up to classes if they haven’t attended. 

        This determines that students don’t feel as remote learning is as enjoyable and comfortable as it could be. With the information I have gathered, schools should care more about student’s mental health, especially during this difficult time of remote learning.


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