HPCMS Students Respond to George Floyd's Murder
Letter to George Floyd's Family from Jaylene Rodriguez
Dear George Floyd's Family,
I am sorry for your loss. He does not deserve this. This is the kind of society we live in and it is sickening. We should not judge people based on race and/or religion. What George went through is the kind of thing America can not stand. It is NOT "the land of the free." George's life should not end so early, but he is in a better place now. He didn't deserve this but at least the cop who killed him is in jail now! That is amazing.
The injustices and racism/discrimination in this world needs to end. Even though they still exist, George would be happy to see everyone around the world spreading this message and bringing awareness to this issue. Many are protesting and fighting for him, which is very beautiful.
"We will bring justice to your son and we will not stop until we do."
But keep your head high. George would not want you to be sad. He is watching over and will always be with you no matter what.
I hope one day police will stop racial profiling people based on race and hurt people for no reason. There is no reason for a cop to pull over someone and hurt a black person for doing nothing wrong, which is George went through. People should be proud of their race and ethnicity, not scared. People of color are scared they will die just because the color of their skin. It is sad.
Martin Luther King once said, "Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of the inferiority is accepted as the truth in the society dominating them."

Pearl Thwesakpukde, 8th Grade
It's very sad to see that many innocent Black people have to die by the hands of an officer. It's even worse to see no actions being taken to press charges or arrest those officers. But, it's been taken way too far and we (especially Black people) can't take it anymore. We're going to continue fighting for Black people's rights and we're not going to stop. People that are saying how protestors are taking it way too far by rioting need to stop and educate themselves. You don't understand their pain, you don't know what it feels like to see your own brothers and/or sisters being taken away for no absolute reason. As much as people are tired of seeing innocent businesses being burnt down, IMAGINE how tired Black people are of seeing innocent Black people being killed. Though, there are MANY negativities being said about what's going on, there are many positives. It's great to see the diversity in the protests and how White people are using their privilege to protect Black people. I feel that Black people are forgiving people but if you take it too far, they're going to want justice. Our president has been promoting racial inequality and its time that we vote this guy out of office.Elizabeth Jacob, 8th Grade
Things that are making me upset and stressed out right now is everything going on in the news and world right now. I don't know how so many bad things can happen in less than a year. On top of all of that, we're all graduating and I feel like it's all happening really fast. I think after we get justice and change happens, then everything will start to get better.
Aaliyah Vazquez, 8th Grade
Dear Police Chief of Minneapolis,I really hope that you understand what you've done for us. 1 of your police officers killed an innocent man. 3 of your officers killed an innocent woman. 3 white men killed an innocent man. You say you would protect us and make sure we're safe, but how if you're just turning your back on us. Not just black, on everybody; it's everybody in the world.
Stop killing and arresting innocent Black people. All you guys care about is skin and not the heart that's behind them. You guys are not keeping us safe. Where I live a young kid was shot in the basketball court. He was young and he never got to reach his dream or get to do what he had to do for his family BECAUSE THEY TOOK HIS LIFE AT THE AGE OF 13.
Angelirene Cuautle, 8th Grade
I feel frustrated every day because I am constantly reminding of how disadvantaged black people and all minorities are in this country. I’m frustrated because some White people only like to talk about this stuff when it benefits them to care, performative activism. For example all the celebrities who keep making useless video talking about how we’re all in this together but then don’t donate to pay for the bail of protesters. So many things are frustrating but it feels like nothing will change no matter how much we go protest or sign petitions. People love acting like they care but as long as it doesn’t affect them they choose to stay ignorant. I’m not black so I can only imagine how intense their emotions about this maybe.It’s not just about George Floyd anymore, it’s time for justice for all victims of the systematic racism and oppression that exist towards black Americans.
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