Ten things to do when you’re in quarantine

By Karen Perez

Imagine a goat riding another goat. Pretty wild, right? Well imagine that but with pink bows and glitter all around! Did you still have that image in mind? Well keep that image! During this worldwide epidemic, you need to think of positive thoughts and try to keep a positive figure for those around you, especially if you have a younger sibling since they have no idea what’s going on. Not only that but while you’re in quarantine, you have to keep yourself entertained, right? Well no biggie! That’s what I’m here to do, give you ideas of what to do during quarantine!

Fun Things to Do at Home During Coronavirus Quarantine - Lou Lou Girls

The first thing you can do in quarantine is something that you’ve been trying to do in the last couple of weeks or months. Maybe you’ve been thinking of cleaning your room, but since you never had time, now you have plenty of time. Perhaps you’ve been thinking of reading a book, but been too busy with school work or been doing something much more important. Which just so happened to bring us to the second thing you should do while quarantine, check your email every single day! You might be wondering why, well in our school, our teachers give us homework every single day, so it’s a must for us to check if we have homework. The third thing you should do during quarantine, make sure to do any missing assignments so your grade can go higher, or you could also email your teacher privately and ask them if there’s any extra credit.

The fourth thing you can do is probably the most relaxing, sleeping! Maybe the last couple of nights, you haven’t had enough sleep, so here is your reward, a whole lot of sleep! But you can’t sleep all day, you lazy bum. You also have to stay healthy! Which brings us to our fifth thing you can do while you’re stuck in quarantine, exercise! Even though it doesn’t sound as fun, you have to be healthy! Maybe if you live in a house or apartment and you just so happen to have a backyard, well maybe play around there, or you could also do exercises there. But what if you don’t have a backyard? Well don’t worry, this author has your back! Look for a space in your house and on youtube search up “exercises to do at home” or you can click on this link. Now after sleeping and exercising, what do you do now to keep you from dying of boredom? Well the sixth thing you can do while you’re in quarantine is do DIY's! They are extremely fun and they can be useful in your everyday life! Not only that but if you have any siblings, it’s something all of you can do as a family!

The seventh thing you can do to spend time while you’re stuck at home, if you have any board games, do a family night! Maybe like Monopoly! It would be a good thing to raise your happiness, but it would also lighten all of your family’s positivity just a bit. Now after all this, what do you do? Well the eighth thing you can do to waste time while in quarantine, is do one of your favorite activities! Maybe you really enjoy reading or maybe you like to play video games, just do it! During this worldwide epidemic, you need to let your mind wander and do things you enjoy! The ninth thing you can do while in quarantine, start a bullet journal! For those of you who don’t know what a bullet journal is, it’s a journal you write in everyday, your ups and downs, which in this case, there's a whole lot of downs going on everyone’s lives. The last thing that I would highly recommend you do while you’re in quarantine, contact friends and families. Maybe you miss your best friend, don’t be shy, say hi! Or you could also contact family.

Now after reading this article, are you ready to do these things? Well if you are or aren’t just keep in mind that I hope you stay safe and healthy! Don’t go outside, and if you have to wear a mask and keep 6 feet of distance. Not only that but wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, one of the fellow writers of the HPCMS Chronicle, Cara Giardina actually wrote an article which goes in deeper of Covid-19 Conspiracies which are things that people think are true but they actually aren’t, so head on to her essay and give it a read! In my case, 2 of my family members have died from the Coronavirus and some of our close friends actually have the Coronavirus. So please stay safe and keep a distance from people! 


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