How to Avoid the Coronavirus
By Matthew Sebastian
The Coronavirus is spreading more and more every day. It is important to prevent the spread of it. As of April 17 there are over 2 million confirmed cases of it. Also there are over 150,000 deaths. Those numbers are increasing every day.
It is important to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The World Health Organization has 5 helpful ways to prevent this. The first one is stay home as much as you can. It is important to stay home if you are sick and even if you are not. One reason is according to the American Hospital Association “The AMA, American Hospital Association (AHA) and American Nurses Association (ANA) are calling on people to stay at home to help reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus and limit its long-term health effect on the country.”
The second way to avoid coronavirus is to keep a safe distance. We need to keep 6 feet apart from other people. It is important to maintain a safe distance from people who are sneezing or coughing. says “No more handshakes – try an elbow bump, an air five or any other preferred way of greeting, as long as it is contactless.” Instead of meeting a person in real life you can do it through facetime or zoom.
Below: A guide to keeping a safe distance.

The third way to avoid coronavirus is to wash hands often. According to the World Health Organization “Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.” Our hands are very dirty. Everytime you touch something or someone you are picking up bacteria and potentially viruses too. According to Davidson Washroom it's estimated to have about 1,500 bacteria living on each square centimetre of skin on our hands. We should wash our hands for at least 20 seconds with soap.
The fourth way is to cover your cough or sneeze. It will help reduce the spread of germs. According to Verywell health “An uncovered cough or sneeze can send infected droplets up to six feet away and remain airborne for several hours. The live virus can also live on surfaces for up to 48 hours” That will help spread the virus because when you touch an object you pick up the virus.
The last way is if you are sick, call ahead. According to the World Health Organization “If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.” If you are sick you should also stay at home and away from other people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever and cough. Trouble breathing is a more serious symptom that means you should get medical attention. If you are having trouble breathing, seek medical attention, but call first. Call your doctor or emergency room before going in and tell them your symptoms.” Before you go to a hospital or emergency room you should put a mask on.
Following this should help you in many ways. Make sure to follow all of these ways: Stay home, Keep a distance, Wash your hands, Cover your mouth and call if you are sick. Share this with a friend or maybe a loved one to help them learn how to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
The Coronavirus is spreading more and more every day. It is important to prevent the spread of it. As of April 17 there are over 2 million confirmed cases of it. Also there are over 150,000 deaths. Those numbers are increasing every day.
It is important to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The World Health Organization has 5 helpful ways to prevent this. The first one is stay home as much as you can. It is important to stay home if you are sick and even if you are not. One reason is according to the American Hospital Association “The AMA, American Hospital Association (AHA) and American Nurses Association (ANA) are calling on people to stay at home to help reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus and limit its long-term health effect on the country.”
The second way to avoid coronavirus is to keep a safe distance. We need to keep 6 feet apart from other people. It is important to maintain a safe distance from people who are sneezing or coughing. says “No more handshakes – try an elbow bump, an air five or any other preferred way of greeting, as long as it is contactless.” Instead of meeting a person in real life you can do it through facetime or zoom.
Below: A guide to keeping a safe distance.
The third way to avoid coronavirus is to wash hands often. According to the World Health Organization “Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.” Our hands are very dirty. Everytime you touch something or someone you are picking up bacteria and potentially viruses too. According to Davidson Washroom it's estimated to have about 1,500 bacteria living on each square centimetre of skin on our hands. We should wash our hands for at least 20 seconds with soap.
The fourth way is to cover your cough or sneeze. It will help reduce the spread of germs. According to Verywell health “An uncovered cough or sneeze can send infected droplets up to six feet away and remain airborne for several hours. The live virus can also live on surfaces for up to 48 hours” That will help spread the virus because when you touch an object you pick up the virus.
The last way is if you are sick, call ahead. According to the World Health Organization “If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.” If you are sick you should also stay at home and away from other people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever and cough. Trouble breathing is a more serious symptom that means you should get medical attention. If you are having trouble breathing, seek medical attention, but call first. Call your doctor or emergency room before going in and tell them your symptoms.” Before you go to a hospital or emergency room you should put a mask on.
Following this should help you in many ways. Make sure to follow all of these ways: Stay home, Keep a distance, Wash your hands, Cover your mouth and call if you are sick. Share this with a friend or maybe a loved one to help them learn how to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
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