By Kimberly, Niove, and Theerada

When you think about being a Youtuber there are lots of things to think about, like what your Youtube channel will be about and what you will share on it! There are also lots of challenges such as dislikes, hateful comments, getting subscribers, and many more but what we are focusing on is Youtube demonetization, but more specifically…...THE ADPOCALYPSE!
What is demonetization?
Demonetization is when Youtuber’s ads are taken away by Youtube and their income becomes smaller. Or if something is copyrighted like a song or other channels they can get a copyright strike, demonetizing that video. You can also be demonetized by doing something inappropriate or swearing too much. You can get demonetized from a bot or a Youtube worker. Your comments can be turned off by Youtube but you can also disable them. This isn’t technically demonetization but it’s something close to it.
So What Is The Debate?
Big YouTubers such as Lazerbeam and James Charles have been demonetized before. (Fast forward to 1:50 to see James Charles’ report). Without this money, some Youtubers might not be available to make good content for their viewers. However, even if big Youtubers get demonetized, they still get money off merchandise and other social media platforms.
This is a problem because some Youtubers who have been demonetized were demonetized for a good reason. Many YouTubers can get even more views if they say they were demonetized. Their video’s title or thumbnail might say something like, “JAPAN VLOG+FINDING A DEAD BODY.” and Youtube will demonetize these videos.
Some Youtubers videos get demonetized but others get their whole channels get demonetized. When a video is demonetized, some Youtubers contact YouTube and get their video remonetized. But that is usually when the video is unfairly demonetized. When the content is fairly demonetized, the video is usually taken down by Youtube or by the creator.
The first Apocalypse was in March-May, 2016. And by the first, we mean there were two “apocalypses,” which affected more of the bigger Youtubers. The 2nd was in February, this year. A lot of youtubers, big and small channels, got demonetized by Youtube. Between these times lots of Youtubers started doing Youtube videos about being demonetized due to these videos and lots of people started watching the videos in which people got demonetized.
Due to Youtube demonetizing the videos, multiple channels got damaged and youtubers couldn’t upload videos.This really hurt their income because they can't get ad revenue. It also hurt the reputations of others. Even though sometimes it was better if their reputations got a little hurt.
About Us (The amazing creators!)
We are The SYM squad! (S)ocial, (Y)outube, (M)edia. Our names are Niove Caralis, Theerada Kaewubon, and Kimberly Mendez. Our articles will mostly be about youtube, social media, trends on the internet, and more. We are in 6th grade in class 603. We are really excited to write articles for you guys. We hope that when you read our articles you feel like we are just sitting in your room talking. If you have any topics that you are interested in and would like to learn more about, we are happy to take any suggestions. Just comment down below! Like a youtube video! Thanks for reading!

Theerada Niove Kimberly
When you think about being a Youtuber there are lots of things to think about, like what your Youtube channel will be about and what you will share on it! There are also lots of challenges such as dislikes, hateful comments, getting subscribers, and many more but what we are focusing on is Youtube demonetization, but more specifically…...THE ADPOCALYPSE!
What is demonetization?
Demonetization is when Youtuber’s ads are taken away by Youtube and their income becomes smaller. Or if something is copyrighted like a song or other channels they can get a copyright strike, demonetizing that video. You can also be demonetized by doing something inappropriate or swearing too much. You can get demonetized from a bot or a Youtube worker. Your comments can be turned off by Youtube but you can also disable them. This isn’t technically demonetization but it’s something close to it.
So What Is The Debate?
Big YouTubers such as Lazerbeam and James Charles have been demonetized before. (Fast forward to 1:50 to see James Charles’ report). Without this money, some Youtubers might not be available to make good content for their viewers. However, even if big Youtubers get demonetized, they still get money off merchandise and other social media platforms.
This is a problem because some Youtubers who have been demonetized were demonetized for a good reason. Many YouTubers can get even more views if they say they were demonetized. Their video’s title or thumbnail might say something like, “JAPAN VLOG+FINDING A DEAD BODY.” and Youtube will demonetize these videos.
Some Youtubers videos get demonetized but others get their whole channels get demonetized. When a video is demonetized, some Youtubers contact YouTube and get their video remonetized. But that is usually when the video is unfairly demonetized. When the content is fairly demonetized, the video is usually taken down by Youtube or by the creator.
The first Apocalypse was in March-May, 2016. And by the first, we mean there were two “apocalypses,” which affected more of the bigger Youtubers. The 2nd was in February, this year. A lot of youtubers, big and small channels, got demonetized by Youtube. Between these times lots of Youtubers started doing Youtube videos about being demonetized due to these videos and lots of people started watching the videos in which people got demonetized.
Due to Youtube demonetizing the videos, multiple channels got damaged and youtubers couldn’t upload videos.This really hurt their income because they can't get ad revenue. It also hurt the reputations of others. Even though sometimes it was better if their reputations got a little hurt.
About Us (The amazing creators!)
We are The SYM squad! (S)ocial, (Y)outube, (M)edia. Our names are Niove Caralis, Theerada Kaewubon, and Kimberly Mendez. Our articles will mostly be about youtube, social media, trends on the internet, and more. We are in 6th grade in class 603. We are really excited to write articles for you guys. We hope that when you read our articles you feel like we are just sitting in your room talking. If you have any topics that you are interested in and would like to learn more about, we are happy to take any suggestions. Just comment down below! Like a youtube video! Thanks for reading!
Theerada Niove Kimberly