Latest Robotic Advancements

By Malcolm Mungo

If you’re interested in robots, then you’ve come to the right place. Each day we’re growing in knowledge about robotics and AI. So I’m going to highlight a few recent major robotic advancements.

The first bot we will be looking at is Atlas. This robot now has the amazing capability to do parkour. Parkour takes a lot of precision, so it’s super surprising that a robot can do it. According to LiveScience, “as Atlas navigates the challenges of the obstacle course, a slow-motion sequence emphasizes the precision in it’s movements as it leaps between platforms, each one measuring 16 inches (40 centimeters) high.” LiveScience even remarked how human-like Atlas’ coordination is.

Atlas - Image from Boston Dynamics

Even though agile robots are cool, making them be able to feel is even cooler. Some researchers at Johns Hopkins University created an electronic skin that allows prosthetic amputees to feel pressure and pain. This skin is called “e-dermis.” I told some of my friends at HPCMS about the skin and they were amazed. Quartz remarked, “Feeling pain might seem undesirable, but the sensation tells us when to drop sharp or hot objects that may cause us harm.” But surprisingly, this skin is already on the market. It comes fitted on a prosthetic arm ready to feel pain!

e-dermis - Image from Johns Hopkins University

Robotics include a wide variety of different technology, and that includes Walmart cleaning robots. Yes, Walmart has just purchased 300 cleaning robots for their stores. These robots can clean 26 inches at a time and they move at a speedy 2 mph. These robots will be cleaning the isles of Walmart by January 31, 2019. While these robots sound cool, they will need some assistance. Popular Mechanics says, “The robots will require initial assistance from employees. According to the press release, store employees will take the robot on ‘an initial training ride,’ where the employee will map out a route through the store. From there, the employee will be able to ‘activate autonomous floor cleaning with the press of a single button.’” So while these robots may not be completely automatic, they’re still cool.

Walmart cleaning robot - Image from Popular Mechanics

Now let’s talk small, nanobot small! Recently, researchers have developed small nanobots that can shrink tumors by cutting off their blood supply. These robots are sent in with payloads of a blood-clotting cnzyme called thrombin. When they reach the blood vessels, the send the thrombin to the heart of the tumor. According to Futurism, “the nanobots blocked the tumors blood supply and caused damage to its tissue within 24 hours of treatment.” And that’s pretty fast compared to chemotherapy. While these nanobots won’t cure you from cancer, they can reduce it significantly without the side-effects of chemotherapy.

Nanobots - Image from Futurism

While we are far from our full robotic potential, there are still some really cool things happening right now in the world of robotics. And that’s why it’s a great time to tell the world about all those things!

Image result for cozmo robot
Cozmo says goodbye! - Image from


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